I’ve been a conceal carry permit holder for over 20 years and recently the designer of the bosumbuddy™ line of holsters.
If you’ve had your permit as long as I have you’ve probably had a similar experience trying to
find a safe, secure, accessible , concealed holster that might be comfortable too!
I’ve tried ankle holsters, bellybands, kydex IWB and others. They are all great holsters, and they
work for lots of women but for me each had its challenges.
The ankle holster required wide leg pants and getting to it wasn’t fast or easy!
The bellyband is great for concealment and accessibility, but I couldn’t wear it in warmer
weather, and it rode up and down my torso.
The traditional Kydex IWB holster requires a belt. I don’t wear belts and visiting the restroom
was a challenge.
What I really wanted was a kydex holster in the sweet spot that was secure, accessible and
So I learned how to make kydex holsters. What fun and I learned a lot!
But how do you secure a kydex holster to the body in the sweet spot?
It made sense to take advantage of a piece of clothing women wear everyday…. the bra!
There are straps over the shoulders and a band around the torso…perfect for concealment of
the belt and stability of the holster on the body!
It took over one hundred prototypes….. lots of different materials….wearing each prototype
over many hours or days with my S&W .380 EZ which is almost 7” long and weighs 18.5 ounces.
Slowly but surely it all came together in the bosumbuddy™ Kydex Bra Holster.
A full kydex holster in the sweet spot that is safe, secure, accessible, concealed and
Also I’ve been SEWING all of my life so I have several soft holsters I hope to release soon that follow my belief that the most important requirements in a holster are:
- Trigger covered
- Secure on body
- Accessible
- Concealability
- Comfort